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VTCT (iTEC) Level 3 AWARD Education and Training

VTCT (iTEC) Level 3 AWARD Education and Training
Note: No necessary to pay additional fees in class. Welcome, all graduated candidates to take part in our academy's repetition learning.
Note: We are a GOV-recognized job referral agent, providing job referrals and class teaching opportunities (i.e. Instructor, Class assistant etc...) to outstanding students.


  • - Unit 1: The aim of this unit is to enable you to understand the role and responsibilities of a teacher in education and training and the relationship between different professionals within education and training.
  • - Unit 2: The aim of this unit is to enable you to facilitate learning and development for individuals. You could be in a coaching or mentoring role. You are required to understand the use of a variety of methods. Learning and Development 'Practitioner' means anyone with a learning and development responsibility as part of their role.
  • - Unit 3: The aim of this unit is to enable you to understand group dynamics and how to facilitate
    learning and development in groups. You are required to understand the use of a variety of
    methods, for example presentation, instruction, demonstration, small group activities, skills
    practice and feedback, e-learning, blended learning, role plays and experiential learning.
    ‘Practitioner’ means anyone with a learning and development responsibility as part of their

[Learning Hours] 

  • - 49 hours (Theory and Practical)

[Course Duration]

  • - 1 months

[Entry Requirements] 

  • - 16 years old and above
  • - Fluent in Cantonese, Mandarin or English

[Course Syllabus]

1) Understanding roles, responsibilities and relationships in education and training

  • - Understand the teaching role and responsibilities in education and training
  • - Understand ways to maintain a safe and supportive learning environment
  • - Understand the relationships between teachers and other professionals in education and training

2) Facilitate learning and development for groups

  • - Be able to facilitate learning and development in groups
  • - Be able to assist groups to apply new knowledge and skills in practical contexts
  • - Be able to assist learners to reflect on their learning and development undertaken in groups
  • - Understand principles and practices of learning and development in groups

3) Understanding assessment in education and training

  • - Understand types and methods of assessment used in education and training
  • - Understand how to involve learners and others in the assessment process
  • - Understand the role and use of constructive feedback in the assessment process

[Examination Requirements]

  • - Candidates must have 70% attendance in order to take the examination
  • - Candidates must submit all homework

[Mock and Final Examination]

  • iTEC Examination - Theory & Practical

[Graduation Requirments]

  • Must obtain at least 60% to pass the exam

[Examination Fee] 

  • - Free

[Student's privileges]

  • - Free online consultation, wholesale discounts for international beauty brands, participation in our graduation ceremony (with graduation gown and cap), participation in international beauty competitions overseas, overseas study tours, rental of rooms and beds for beauty treatments

[Course Certificate]

  • - LBEDU Academy Level 3 AWARD in Education and Training
  • - VTCT (ITEC) Level 3 AWARD in Education and Training
  • - VTCT (iTEC) Level 3 AWARD in Education and Training


  • - VTCT (iTEC)  / LBEDU Academy

[#1 Pathway to other recognized qualifications] (Click below the course name for details)

  • - CITY & GUILDS Level 3 DIPLOMA 國際專業培訓及評審導師進階文憑 8106 (IVQ)
  • - BHL Certificate in Education and Training Level 3
  • - BHL Certificate in Education and Training Level 5
  • - IFBC Certificate in (Skill?) Instructor
  • - SISA Certificate in (Skill?) Instructor (完成課程後,可申請成為SISA副會長。)
  • - GPF Certificate in (Skill?) Instructor
  • - IAEA Certificate in Education and Training Makeup CPD.
  • - IAEA Certificate in Education and Training Makeup REG.
  • - IAPC Certified International Education and Training Level 3
  • - IAPC Certified International Education and Training Level 5

[#2 Pathway to other recognized qualifications] (Click below the course name for details)

VTCT iTEC International Therapy Examination Council - Ofqual - RQF EQF HKQF AQF CQF NZQF.jpg.jpg

 Class Code: LB0162

Class Date: Inquiry
Time: 49 Hours
Class Location: Sham Shui Po, Kowloon
Status: Enrollment Now
Course Fee: HK$9,800.00
Course Fee: HK$1,000.00

Terms and Conditions for General Courses: