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HKQF Certificate in Comprehensive Make-up Skills [This is a SCS-Based-Beauty and Hairdressing Course]

[註: 此乃能力標準說明-美容及美髮業之課程]
本課程[綜合化妝技巧證書]在資歷架構下獲得認可 (資歷架構第2級)
資歷級別: 2
資歷學分: 15
院校編號: 854
持續進修基金課程編號: 74C141221
資歷名冊登記號碼 ︰22/000727/L2
登記有效期︰01/10/2022 至 30/09/2024



  • 掌握基本日妝技巧
    + 化妝基本理論
    + 化妝前準備工作
    + 基本日妝技巧
    + 辨別妝容整體色彩搭配
  • 運用色彩學於化妝
    + 色彩學原理
    + 化妝前的準備工作
    + 合適的化妝品色彩
    + 檢視和修改妝容效果
  • 修飾臉型輪廓及美化五官
    + 頭部骨臉型輪廓及美化五官概念
    各種臉型的區別及特徵,例如: 方形臉、三角形臉、長方形臉、圓形臉、橢圓形臉、梨形臉、鑽可形臉等等...
    護理前準備工作,例如: 清潔面部清潔用品及雙手
    運用各種遮瑕產品遮蓋瑕疵地方,例如: 黑眼圈、眼肚、暗瘡、疤痕、斑點等等...
    + 暸解美化五官的技巧,例如: 眉型、眼型、鼻型、唇型等...
    + 五官比例
    + 色彩掩飾法的使用技巧
  • 掌握晚妝技巧
    + 晚妝特點
    + 化妝前準備工作,例如: 清潔顧客的面部、清潔用品及雙手
    + 檢視和修飾整體妝容效果


  • 完成中三或同等學歷程度;及
  • 具一年或以上美容業之工作經驗;或修畢任何資歷級別一級化妝課程或同等資歷;及
  • 通過入學測試。

(就如何可符合[綜合化妝技巧證書] 入學要求,請與本院聯絡。)


  • 3-4個月


  • 72小時課堂+評核


  • 總學費HK$15,000
    每月學費: HK$5,000
    分期數目: 3期

    最高可獲得資助額為 HK$11,500﹐課程費用可低至HK$3,500。最高可獲資助額乃根據學員從未申領過CEF計算。實際資助額視乎學員以往向CEF已申領的數額。

    注意: 如何查詢個人可獲的資助額? 請參閱「持續進修基金」網頁內的(資助計算機)。
    CEF網頁 - https://www.wfsfaa.gov.hk/cef/tc/index.htm



  • 全免


  1. 香港身分證副本
  2. 資歷證明副本 (提供以下一樣)
    + 中三或以上學歷成績表或同等學歷 (如: 中國、台灣、澳門、美國、加拿大、英國、韓國、日本或其他國家) 或
    + 中三或以上學歷畢業業證書或同等學歷 (如: 中國、台灣、澳門、美國、加拿大、英國、韓國、日本或其他國家) 或
    + 中學公開試成績表 (HKCEE會考 / A-Level / DSE) 或
    + 大專/大學學歷成績表 或
    + 大專/大學畢業證書
  3. 美容相關工作經驗證明正本或資歷證明 (提供以下一樣)
    +具一年或以上的公司工作證明  (附有蓋章及簽署) 或
    +MPF強績金供款紀錄 或
    +商會/協會簽發的資歷證明  或
  4. 第一期學費費用

(就如何可符合[綜合化妝技巧證書] 入學要求,請與本院聯絡。)


  • 英國 City and Guilds Level 3 IVQ Advanced Diploma in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning 國際專業培訓及評審高級文憑 (8106)
  • 英國 iTEC Certificate in Bridal Makeup Level 2
  • 英國 iTEC Award in Infection Prevention (COVID-19) for Make-up Services Level 2
  • 韓國 BHL Certificate in Makeup Level 3
  • 韓國 BHL Certificate in Makeup Level 5
  • 韓國 IFBC Certificate in Makeup
  • 韓國 SISA Certificate in Makeup
  • 韓國 GPF Certificate in Makeup
  • 香港 IAEA Certificate in Bridal Makeup CPD.
  • 香港 IAEA Certificate in Bridal Makeup REG.
  • 美國 IAPC Certifed International Makeup Artist Level 3
  • 美國 IAPC Certifed International Makeup Artist Level 5


地址: 香港九龍深水埗青山道21-35號永勝大樓地下C舖
電話: (852) 3583 1687
Whatsapp: (852) 9548 8600
網址: https://lbacademy.com.hk
Facebook: https://facebook.com/lbacademyhk

Class Code: LB0890

Class Date: Inquiry

Time: Class Hour: 72 Lesson + Assessment Hours

Class Location: Sham Shui Po, Kowloon

Status: Enrollment Now

Course Fee: HK$15,000.00

Course Fee: HK$5,000.00

Personal Data Privacy Policy Statement
The personal information collected by Shining Beauty International Education and Training Academy (hereinafter referred to as the Academy) is provided by you voluntarily. Except in accordance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Section
486), otherwise, the College will not disclose personal information, nor will it resell or transfer such personal data to institutions outside the College.

Personal Data Privacy Policy: In accordance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, the Faculty will ensure that employees will follow appropriate security and confidentiality practices when handling personal data.

Purpose and use of personal data collection: The personal data collected by the college will be used for registration, class arrangement, academic and administrative communications, and academic liaison as permitted by law
, etc. purposes. If you wish to access and/or correct your personal data, you may submit your request to the Academy at any time.

Use of personal data for promotional purposes: With your consent, the College may use the personal data (including name, contact number, contact email, mailing address, etc.) provided by you,
To provide you with information on the promotion of our courses, services and activities by letter, email and mobile phone. If you do not want the college to continue to use your
Personal data may be submitted to the Academy at any time for the above promotional purposes.

Submit enrollment to indicate that you agree to the above-mentioned use of your personal data for the above-mentioned promotional purposes. (if you have any questions do not hesitate to contact our admin officer.)


  • * Applicants are required to submit sufficient supporting documents to substantiate the entry qualifications required for the program of study.
  • Courses are selected for admission, and tuition fee receipts are not proof of admission. The College will notify applicants as soon as possible if they are eligible for admission. Applicants who are not admitted will be refunded the tuition fees paid.
  • All fees paid will not be refunded, except in special circumstances (such as the cancellation of the course due to insufficient enrollment) and legal regulations.

Submit the statement
I confirm that the information filled in and submitted documents are true and correct; I also understand and agree to the terms of the application and the personal data privacy policy.